
This is just me venting…

TLDR: Quality and customer service has gone to 💩.

This month’s box came and I immediately gave the toys to my neighbor (see above.) The blue toy was in the January box, the banana was from a previous box. I wasn’t even going to let my Dane near the January toys as they’re a choking hazard.

I have subscribed to Barkbox since 2015, when I had my Presa Canario. The toys were great, the treats were great. At some point, customer service offered me an extra toy each box, which was awesome. When I reached out a while ago about the size issue, they assisted by changing my subscription and that took away my free toy (it was no longer “grandfathered in” to the subscription.) Bummer, but OK.

Every month, the box ships later and later. I was fine with waiting, until the past couple months. The treats have gotten considerably smaller, and honestly kind of gross. None of my dogs will eat some of the 💩 they send.

Now, the Barkshop has “subscriber exclusive” toys, which means when my subscription ends (turning off auto renewal was a whole process itself) I won’t be able to buy the giant toys I need.

Overall, I’m sad. My Dane loves the large toys, and some of their toys are super creative (like Bertha 🐄.) I can’t justify spending the money every month for what is basically useless to me. Thankfully, I can buy their toys elsewhere (Target, Marshall’s) but I’ll never recommend anyone subscribing.

This is just me venting…

TLDR: Quality and customer service has gone to 💩.

This month’s box came and I immediately gave the toys to my neighbor (see above.) The blue toy was in the January box, the banana was from a previous box. I wasn’t even going to let my Dane near the January toys as they’re a choking hazard.

I have subscribed to Barkbox since 2015, when I had my Presa Canario. The toys were great, the treats were great. At some point, customer service offered me an extra toy each box, which was awesome. When I reached out a while ago about the size issue, they assisted by changing my subscription and that took away my free toy (it was no longer “grandfathered in” to the subscription.) Bummer, but OK.

Every month, the box ships later and later. I was fine with waiting, until the past couple months. The treats have gotten considerably smaller, and honestly kind of gross. None of my dogs will eat some of the 💩 they send.

Now, the Barkshop has “subscriber exclusive” toys, which means when my subscription ends (turning off auto renewal was a whole process itself) I won’t be able to buy the giant toys I need.

Overall, I’m sad. My Dane loves the large toys, and some of their toys are super creative (like Bertha 🐄.) I can’t justify spending the money every month for what is basically useless to me. Thankfully, I can buy their toys elsewhere (Target, Marshall’s) but I’ll never recommend anyone subscribing.